The latest news, events and opportunities in and around our neighborhood.
We will try to keep this up-to-date so bookmark and check in regularly!

Earth Day 2021

It was a beautiful day for all the Earth Day activities.
Thanks to all who participated in organizing, cleaning, and supporting the events.
Special thanks to Tarzian Hardware in Park Slope for supplying the plants and planting supplies.


Located just outside Key Foods at 991 Fulton, this is a community sponsored place to donate food or pick up foods - depending on your needs and resources. Visit their site for information of suggestions donations, hours etc. and let’s keep the fridge full!

Let’s put STOP signs at the intersections of Lefferts Place with Grand and St. James!


Vaccines Available at Medger Evers College

Schedule appointments at
or call 1 833 697 4829

Brooklyn Navy Yard Internships

Brooklyn Navy Yard Internships

until March 12

Property Tax Preparation

until March 15

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Virtual Legal Clinic

Feb. 25, 6 - 8pm

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Free Tax Preparation

Feb. 12 - April 15

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until Feb. 26

Affordable Housing Lottery Workshop

Feb. 17

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Loaves and Fishes: Community Cupboard

On-going - Take what you need or give what you can!